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Crime Indicators for Human Trafficking

Submitted by shalqahtni@hrc… on 29 August 2021

Trafficking in persons is one of the heinous violations of human rights because it robs him of his freedom and wastes his dignity. Despite the efforts made by the countries of the world to combat it, the effectiveness of these efforts requires more global awareness, international cooperation and continuous coordination.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is making continuous and continuous efforts to combat human trafficking crimes, based on its commitment to the provisions of Islamic Sharia, which prohibits all forms of insult to human dignity, and emphasizes respect for and preservation of human rights.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was not satisfied with issuing legislation and regulations combating the crimes of trafficking in persons, but was keen to make the necessary efforts to implement and abide by these regulations and to find the executive mechanisms that ensure their activation.

Despite the many forms and forms of trafficking in persons crimes from one country to another according to the economic and social conditions of each country, there are criminals who must be brought to justice and victims who need care and assistance and to treat the consequences of the crime that has fallen on them and caused them harm.

There are key features and indicators by which trafficked victims can be identified and identified as victims, which contributes to their rescue and qualifies them to obtain assistance and protection. Therefore, security, justice, medical care, social services and other relevant workers must familiarize themselves with these indicators that help them identify and distinguish victims of trafficking. persons, and through them can be inferred from the perpetrators of their traffickers.

Indicators of Trafficking in Persons_english

Indicateurs de la traite des êtres humains (Français)

مؤشرات الاتجار بالأشخاص باللغة العربية